The Secret to Perfect Recall: How to Train Your Dog to Come When Called

Having a dog that comes when called is essential for their safety and your peace of mind. However, teaching your dog to come when called is not always easy. In this article, we'll share the secret to perfect recall and give you tips on how to train your dog to come when called.

Understanding the Basics of Recall Training:

Before you start training your dog to come when called, it's essential to understand the basics of recall training. Recall training is the process of teaching your dog to come to you when you call their name. It's a vital skill for all dogs to learn, as it can keep them safe in potentially dangerous situations.

To train your dog to come when called, you'll need to use positive reinforcement. This means rewarding your dog for coming to you when you call their name. You should never punish your dog for not coming when called, as this can create fear and anxiety and make them less likely to respond to your commands in the future.

Step-by-Step Guide to Recall Training:

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to train your dog to come when called:

Start in a quiet, distraction-free environment. Begin by calling your dog's name and rewarding them with a treat or praise when they come to you.

Gradually increase the level of distraction. Once your dog is reliably coming to you in a quiet environment, gradually increase the level of distraction. This could mean training in a more stimulating environment or calling your dog from a greater distance.

Use a consistent command. Use a consistent command, such as "come" or "here," when calling your dog. This will help them learn to associate the command with the behavior you want.

Use high-value rewards. Use high-value rewards, such as small pieces of cheese or chicken, to reward your dog for coming when called. These rewards should be more exciting than regular dog treats to motivate your dog to come to you.

Avoid punishment. Avoid punishing your dog for not coming when called. This can create fear and anxiety, making your dog less likely to respond to your commands in the future.

Practice regularly. Practice recall training regularly, even after your dog has mastered the skill. This will help them maintain their training and respond reliably to your commands.

Troubleshooting Common Problems:

Even with proper training, some dogs may still struggle with coming when called. Here are some common problems you may encounter and how to address them:

Your dog ignores you. If your dog ignores you when you call their name, it may be because they're distracted or haven't been properly motivated to come to you. Try using a high-value reward or practicing in a more controlled environment.

Your dog comes slowly. If your dog comes to you slowly when called, it may be because they're not properly motivated or because they haven't fully grasped the behavior. Try using a high-value reward or going back to basics with recall training.

Your dog doesn't come at all. If your dog doesn't come at all when called, it may be because they don't understand the command or because they're fearful or anxious. In this case, it may be helpful to work with a professional dog trainer.

How to Take Recall Training to the Next Level

Once your dog has mastered the basics of recall training, you can take your training to the next level. Here are some advanced techniques to help you and your dog perfect the recall:

Vary the rewards. Once your dog is responding reliably to your recall command, you can start varying the rewards they receive. For example, you could use a different type of treat or toy each time they come to you. This can keep your dog motivated and engaged in the training.

Work on distance and duration. Gradually increase the distance between you and your dog when you call them, as well as the duration of the recall. This can help your dog learn to come to you from a greater distance and stay with you for longer periods.

Incorporate distractions. Introduce controlled distractions, such as other dogs or people, into your recall training. This can help your dog learn to come to you even when there are other distractions present.

Practice off-leash recall. Once your dog is reliably responding to your recall command on a leash, you can start practicing off-leash recall in a secure, enclosed area. This can help your dog learn to come to you even when they're off-leash.

Remember, advanced recall training should only be attempted once your dog has mastered the basics of recall training. If your dog is struggling with the basics, it's important to focus on those skills first before moving on to more advanced techniques.


Recall training is an essential skill for all dogs to learn. By using positive reinforcement, a consistent command, high-value rewards, and regular practice, you can train your dog to come when called reliably. Once your dog has mastered the basics of recall training, you can take your training to the next level by varying the rewards, working on distance and duration, incorporating distractions, and practicing off-leash recall. With patience and persistence, you can help keep your dog safe and ensure that they have the freedom to enjoy their surroundings.

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